Is Your Insurance Storm Proof?
Florida homes are generally insured by a regional company. Do you know what company insures your home? Are you with Citizens, the state program? Did you shop for your insurance when you bough your home? Have you checked it recently? Are your premiums creeping up each year? WHO your are insured with is just at important as the policy that covers your home. Our companies are some of the finest in the state. Your policy should be with a company that has experienced, or has leadership that has experienced hurricanes in Florida.
When Charley came through in 2004, our agency personally helped with over 2500 claims. Our wonderful employees left their damaged homes and came to work every day. We had no power for 10 days. Our generators kept the computers and phones running, our families all pitched in answering phones, taking claims and fixing our roof that had blown off. It was truly one of our proudest moments knowing we provided the service that was expected by our clients in their time of need. Our companies have the same commitment to you.
Gaps in your homeowners insurance coverage often result from changes in your home. For instance you might decide to add on a deck, carport, screen room or a spare bedroom. You have added an office or use your personal computer for business purposes (THIS IS NOT COVERED UNDER YOUR HOMEOWNERS POLICY!!). The normal accumulation of possessions, jewelry, and artwork can add a lot to the value of your contents. By reviewing your insurance needs regularly, you'll keep your insurance up to speed with you busy life. As your home changes, so should your insurance. Become familiar with your policy and ask questions. Is there replacement cost coverage on the home and personal belongings in the home? Check the limits inside the policy for furs, jewelry, fine arts, business property etc. Most of these items can be added to your policy by endorsement or on a personal articles floater.
Check the exclusions for flood, animal liability, earthquake, wear and tear etc. Check community building codes. Sometimes a damaged home, particularly if it's an older home, can't be reconstructed exactly as it was without violating current building codes. For instance, the home may need updated wiring, special windows, or hurricane straps to conform to the new building codes since Hurricane Andrew paid Florida a visit and they were updated when Charley blasted through the state. Increased costs due to changes in building codes are not covered under a homeowners policy unless Ordinance or Law Coverage is endorsed onto the policy.
Does your policy offer enough liability? If not a personal umbrella policy should be considered. Call us today.