Is Your Insurance Storm Proof?
Florida homes are generally insured by a regional company. Do you know what company insures your home? Are you with Citizens, the state program? Did you shop for your insurance when you bough your home? Have you checked it recently? Are your premiums creeping up each year? WHO you are insured with is just as important as the policy that covers your home. Our companies are some of the finest in the state. Your policy should be with a company that has experienced, or has leadership that has experienced hurricanes in Florida.
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Manufactured Homeowners Insurance
Manufactured homes have special needs. We are proud to be one of the largest agencies in Central Florida writing manufactured home insurance. WHO your are insured with is just as important as the policy that covers your home. Our companies are some of the finest in the state. Your policy should be with a company that has experienced, or has leadership that has experienced hurricanes in Florida.
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If you operate a business out of your home, you may be surprised to learn that many Homeowners and Renters policies do not cover losses from business activities. Whether you own the business or not!
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Renters Insurance
The normal accumulation of possessions, jewelry, and artwork can add a lot to the value of your contents. It's relatively inexpensive, policies start at $250 a year, and should your neighbor set fire to the building, you will have the money to start again. By reviewing your insurance needs regularly, you'll keep your insurance up to speed with you busy life. As your home changes, so should your insurance.